Health and Wellness

The Lifestyle, Health and Wellness division makes available genetic testing services providing risk analyses for genetic predisposition to certain physiological traits which may impact future disease, with personalised information sourced from the clients own unique DNA.

Individuals now have the opportunity to be informed and make choices about their own lifestyle, and their potential risk, in combination with environmental factors such as weight, exercise, alcohol, and cigarette smoke. Preventative health is the future, as witnessed by the huge growth being experienced in the Lifestyle health and wellness industry.

Genomic wellness testing, scans a series of known polymorphisms within the genome to discover one’s underlying propensity toward complex health issues.

These indicators may not be as definitive as diagnostic testing for known genetic diseases, but are useful in understanding a person’s propensity toward different disease states. Knowledge of your individual genomic makeup allows for informed decision making to guide health and lifestyle choices.

© Secure DNA Technologies